Facility Specific COVID-19 information is updated daily and can be found at the address below:


We thank you for your continued prayers and support.

The Oaks cannot thank you enough for your support, prayers and trust in providing quality care for your loved ones during this time. We recognize this virus has taken a toll on the ability of family, friends, and residents to share time together and we are working diligently in providing more options for safe and meaningful alternatives for connecting with your loved ones.  We continue to be blessed to have no resident positive for COVID-19. Without the family’s support this would undoubtedly not be possible.

In our continued efforts to keep our staff, families and residents informed, we notified everyone on May 1st of the first staff member testing positive for COVID-19 in our community. As previously communicated, our staff is required to wear N-95 respirator masks with a surgical mask cover at all times to protect our residents and staff throughout each day. Other additional inflectional control practices such as enhanced cleaning with additional hospital grade cleaning products, use of National Guard deep clean, disinfecting fogging practices with the use of bio solutions, as well as added PPE use for contact precaution practices are all continuing to be utilize to help us fight this virus successfully.

The Oaks Nursing and Personal Care Homes and Macon County Health Department have partnered in our efforts to perform weekly testing for staff members regardless of signs or symptoms as more testing comes available. We are encouraging all staff members to be tested as we send individuals on a weekly basis with the hopes to have all staff tested within a 30-day period.

Again, we cannot thank you enough for the continued support as we recognize this time has been very difficult for each resident and resident family member. If you would like additional specific information regarding The Oaks and other Georgia facility’s daily reporting of COVID-19 cases including staff and residents we ask you use the following link for our daily updates: https://dch.georgia.gov/announcement/2020-05-12/long-term-care-facility-covid-19-report.

Please do not hesitate to contact the facility if in any way we can assist with your ability to communicate with your loved ones.

Spencer Windham, Administrator 

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